Ministry of Education’s Innovation Cell (MIC) – Institution’s Innovation Council (IIC) 5.0 & Entrepreneurship Development Cell (EDC) of Vidya Jyothi Institute of Technology is planned to conduct offline session on “Accelerators/Incubation-Opportunities for Students & Faculties – Early Stage Entrepreneurs” on 19.08.2023 @ 11.00 AM, E Block, Ground Floor, Antenna Lab (E-009) by the expert Mr. Kalyan Koppisetty, Founder & CEO, EduTech Innovations, Hyderabad.
The event had a whooping number of 62 participants of whom 57 were students and 05 Faculty members. Today’s speaker of the session Mr. Kalyan Koppisetty sir has interacted with us about the accelerators and incubation opportunity. He has clearly explained about the job opportunities, the way how the upcoming engineers choose in order to settle in their life in the best way. He has interacted with students lively and cleared all the doubts of the students. He also has encouraged the students to have awareness about the job opportunities that we have to pursue in this competitive world. The students and faculty members had a great learning experience by today’s eminent speaker Mr Kalyan Koppisetty.