OverView of our Developers Student Society

"Sessions Conducted by CSE"

Pilot Workshop-I DSC-VJIT Conducted by Suresh
Pilot Workshop-II DSC-VJIT Conducted by Suresh


Developer Student Society
"Developer Student Society"  aims in providing an umbrella to the two existing clubs/groups at Department . It also aims to provide infrastructure support i.e labs installed with Android Studio software to ease , existing Android and Web clubs to conduct workshops at Institution. The student representatives/facilitators for the Developer Student Society from institution are mentored by Google trainers and are provided teaching materials to conduct development sessions at campus monthly.  Vidya Jyothi Institute of Technology, is the first in state of Telangana, inaugurating the Developer Student Society comprising of both Applied CS with Android and Developer Student Club..

Applied CS with Android
Applied Computer science is a discipline of science that applies existing scientific knowledge to develop more practical applications, like technology or inventions.
Applied science can also apply formal science, such as statistics and probability theory, as in epidemiology. Genetic epidemiology is an applied science applying both biological and statistical methods.

Developer Student Club
Google has a vision to help make India a global hub of high-quality mobile developers. Through its Mobile Skilling program and other initiatives in India, Google is making world-class mobile developer education accessible to millions of students and developers.
The Google Developers Training team has created a classroom-based course to teach Android Developer Fundamentals. This curriculum will be available as an elective for students to take at more than 20 private and state technical universities across India.


Inaugural ceremony

Get In Touch

Contact information


Developers Student Society Vjit
Aziz Nagar, Hyderabad, Telangana 500075

  • +(91) 77 94 90 8301

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