VJIT Alumni Executive committee meets on 23.Nov ' 2013 (Sat. Day) at 11 am at college premises. All the existing committee members are cordially invited. For any further information please contact Mr. Goutham - 8008111014.
Month: November 2013
SPIE Student Chapter – Visiting Lecture Programme
SPIE STUDENT CHAPTER – VISITING LECTURE PROGRAMME SPIE Student chapter (Department of Physics) of VJIT is organizing a Visiting Lecture Programme on 19th December 2013. Dr. Sarun Sumriddetchkajorn, Ph.D., Principal Researcher/ Director, Intelligent Devices and Systems...
One Day Seminar in MBA Dept.
ONE DAY SEMINAR in MBA Dept. MBA Dept organized one day seminar on 16th NOV 2013. All 1st and 2nd year students of MBA Dept participated in the seminar. The students gave seminar on the following topics:1) ITIR ( INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY INVESTMENT REGION)2) JAGO GRAHAK...
SPECTRA 2013 Two Day Workshop on Optics 9th and 10th November, 2013 SPIE student chapter of Vidya Jyothi Institute of Technology has organised 2nd Two day workshop on Optics “SPECTRA 2013” on 9th and 10th November, 2013. This programme includes invited talks of...
Postponement of B.Tech University Examinations Schedule on 15.11.2013.
This is to inform all the students that the B.Tech University Examinations which are scheduled on 15.11.2013 are postponed. The Revised date of Examinations will be announced later. However, all the B.Tech and B.Pharmacy University Examinations from 16.11.2013 will be...
SPECTRA-2013 Two Day Workshop on Optics on 9th and 10th November, 2013
SPECTRA 2013 Two Day Workshop on Optics on 9th and 10th November, 2013
Exam Center for B.Tech. End Semester Examinations – Nov./Dec.2013.
This is to inform all the students of VJIT that the Exam Center for all B.Tech II, III & IV Year I Semester Regular and Supplementary, II Semester Supplementary and I Year Supplementary Examinations Center is at Shadan College of...
Congratulations to Ms. P. Ashritha, Mech. I Year and Ms. N. Anusha, MBA, II Year for being selected as JNTUH, Handball Team
The Management of Vidya Jyothi Institute of Technology would like to congratulate Ms. P. Ashritha B.Tech – I Year (Mech.) and Ms. N. Anusha of MBA II Year for being selected for JNTUH Handball team.
IBM Campus Drive on 08.11.2013
VJIT is hosting IBM Camps Drive for the Batch of 2013 on 08.11.2013. All the students who wish to participate in the drive are requested to report in the college by 9.00 AM. Please carry a set of 3 Photographs, College ID/Government Approved ID and original...