A One Day Seminar on Cyber Crime Awareness under Cyber Jagruthi Programme was organized by the Civil Department on 2nd November, 2019. The Resource Person was Mr. Rupesh Mittal, Head-Cyber Jagruthi Programme, Hyderabad. Mr. Rupesh has addressed the students on...
Month: November 2019
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Peak Load Pricing Strategy of Cabs- Is It Fair or Unfair Practice
A Roleplay Activity was designed and conducted for the MBA first year students on 1st November 2019. A total of 3 teams were selected and Roles were assigned. The first one representing consumers, the second one representing cab service providers and the third team...
Entrepreneurship and Interdisciplinary
A One Day Seminar on “Entrepreneurship and Start-Ups Across Interdisciplinary Engineering Courses: Opportunities for The Youth” was held on 1st November, 2019. The Chief Guest and Resource Person of the Seminar was Dr.Y. V.Rao, Professor and Dean-Research and...