Sai Charan II B. Tech ECE had attended and presented a paper titled “ELECTRONIC STRUCTURE AND OPTICAL PROPERTIES OF Mg AND Al DOPED ZnO USING (TB-mBJ) MODIFIED BECKE JHONSON POTENTIAL STUDY” in “OP19” an International Conference held at SanDiego, USA from 11th to 15th August 2019. He is a member of SPIE Student Chapter at VJIT. Sai Charan prepared the paper under the guidance of Dr Mahesh Professor of Physics in the area of Wide Bandgap Semiconductors.
HYDRO 2023 Conference
It is prestigious to be a part of HYDRO 2023 INTERNATIONAL, 28th International Conference on Hydraulics, Water Resources and River Engineering organized by Civil Engineering Department of the National Institute of Technology Warangal, under the aegis of the Indian...