On the Occasion of World Environment Day which falls on 05th June, 2022, RED Cell and NSS of VJIT has celebrated the day with a theme Only One Earth, and a webinar was arranged. Mr. Vijaya Ganapathy Secretary & Co-Founder – ARAN, a Volunteer Based NGO interacted with the students and explains their role in protecting and preserving the environment. Speaker has thrown light on many aspects for preserving the environment and also focuses on the major threats of the environment: Bio-diversity Loss, Pollution, Climatic Changes and Water Crisis
Guest Lecture on “From Data to Decision: Practical Applications of Data Science”
The Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) organized an insightful Guest Lecture on the topic “From Data to Decision: Practical Applications of Data Science” on 16th October 2024. The lecture was delivered by Mr. Challapalli Sudhakar, Chairman of the CSI...