Vidya Jyothi
A light house of knowledge
Vidya Jyothi Institute of Technology was established in 1998 by Vidya Jyothi Educational Society created by a group of committed academicians and enterprising educationists. VJIT quickly won the confidence of the parent community and the students to become one of the select destinations for future engineers. Soon the lamp of knowledge began to spread its radiance far and wide. The institute is committed to adopt the changes in Engineering Education and strongly believes in and strives to strengthen the Technical Education. The highest quality of VJIT’s academics is mirrored in the consistent 95% academic results. The institution registers an average of 82% placements for eligible students.

Vision & Mission

- To develop into a reputed Institution at National and International level in Engineering, Technology and Management by generation and dissemination of knowledge through intellectual, cultural and ethical efforts with human values.
- To foster Scientific temper in promoting the world class professional and technical expertise.

- To create state-of-the-art infrastructure facilities for optimization of knowledge acquisition.
- To nurture the students holistically and make them competent to excel in the global scenario.
- To promote R&D and consultancy through strong industry-institute interaction to address the societal problems.
Quality Policy

Core Values
Students seeking admission and trust of their parents are the primary reasons we exist as an Institution.
Our core values are:
- Integrity:All the activities should be conducted in an ethical manner. Research and teaching shall be carried out in an environment of academic freedom and honesty.
- Accountability:The roles and responsibilities are assigned and people are held accountable for their deeds. We feel our liability towards the society and our actions add values to the Institute.
- Responsibility:Everybody in the Institute is expected to discharge his/her duties with due responsibility.
- Transparency:The general records of maximum aspects of the functioning are maintained online to encourage transparency.
- Respect of Individual:While carrying out the interactions at all levels, the dignity and respect of an individual is observed.
- Faculty Empowerment: Institute promotes and encourages faculty in their individual academic development and provides scope for enhancement in their participation in general governance.
- Service to Nation: Institute is committed to developing the skilled manpower to serve the Nation.
- Environmental stewardship: Committed in practicing green technologies for sustainable development of the Nation.

Short-term Goals
- To start industry driven P.G. Programmes in various disciplines.
- To have MOU with Universities, R & D Institutions and industries to nucleate Research Centre.
- To provide consultancy & testing facilities.
- To develop into an autonomous Institution.

Long-term Goals
- To develop as a top ranking Institution in the country.
- To have MOU’s with Universities and R & D Institution at international levels.
- To develop the institution into a Deemed University.