Library & Information Centre
The Vidya Jyothi Institute of Technology (VJIT) Central Library is the soul of the Institution. The Central Library supports the Institution in realizing its primary goal of imparting the quality Technical Education and to promote the research activities. The Central Library acquires, process, preserves and disseminate the information to the user Community for attaining the academic and research goals. The Objective of the Central Library is to empower knowledge. The Central Library provides information services and access to bibliographic as well as full-text digital and printed resources to support the scholarly and informational needs of the Institute community.
Housed in an independent and spacious building, The Central Library has an extensive collection of Books, Scientific and Technical Journals accompanied by a vast collection of Electronic Resources. The central Library comprises of Reference Section, Circulation Section, Journals Section, Newspaper Section, Reprography Section, Discussion Room, SC/ST Book Bank Section and Digital Library. The Library has automated all its activities by Koha Integrated Library Software to provide better, effective and immediate services to user fraternity. Apart from the Central Library, departmental libraries have set up to cater to the needs of the students, faculty and Research Scholars at the departmental level.
Well-equipped with modern facilities with WiFi enabled contains a myriad of resources including CD- ROMs, online databases, audio-video cassettes, books, e-journals, theses, reports, monographs, full-text and bibliographical databases among others.

The V JIT Library is engaged in learning and discovery as essential participants in the educational Fraternity. V JIT Library develop, organize, provide access to and preserve materials to meet the needs of present and future generations of students and scholars. We explore and implement innovative technologies and services to deliver information and scholarly resources conveniently to users anytime/anyplace. We also provide well-equipped and functional physical spaces where students can pursue independent learning and discovery outside the classroom. The VJIT Library supports scholarship and research productivity and foster their sustainability.
The Mission of the V JIT Library is to support and enhance the academic, professional, cultural and lifelong learning needs of the Vidya Jyothi Institute of Technology. We do this by providing information resources, technology and support necessary for success in teaching and learning; and providing environments, services and programs that promote research activity and effective use of information resources.
Prominent Features
- Seating Capacity of the library 250
- 55,385 volumes
- 7,216 Titles
- Departmental Libraries
- Automated Library Operations – with bar code system to scan the documents & Records.
- Koha Open Source Library Software and DSpace for Institutional Repository.
- The Library has an online renewal system and also allows members to send requests for books they need.
- Library books are classified and arranged as per Dewey decimal classification Scheme (DDC).
- 123 print National and International journals.
- E-Learning resource center – Digital Library with 35 terminals.
- Online e-journals (IEEE, ASME, ASCE, DELNET, EBSCO (e-books), N-List)
- NPTEL Video Lectures.
- To Satisfy the Information needs of the User Community
- To Foster Knowledgeable, Service-Oriented and User focused Staff
- To Promote the Library Facilities and Library Services
- To Develop Different Tools and Methods to Maximize the Use of Library by the Users
- To Develop the Habit of Deep and Advanced Studies of Subjects beyond the Textbooks of Subject
- To Inform the Teaching Community with Latest Updates in their respective Subject Area
- To Provide facilities for all Teaching, Learning and Research Programmes of the Institute which facilitates Transmission of Knowledge
- VJIT Central Library is an Excellent Modern Knowledge Resource Centre to disseminate the latest information to the teaching, learning and research to diverse Community by providing modern Library services.
- To improve the usability and development of Library’s newly subscribed information Resources.
- Improve and develop the learning, teaching and research facilities of the institute by procuring the outstanding collections of Online Digital Resources.
- Select efficient and qualified staff to offer more value added information services to the user community.
Services and Facilities
- The Library provides various services like Reference service, Circulation, User orientation, providing with citations of source of information.
- Referral service; directing the user to the right source of information.
- Reprography and document printing Services etc…
- Faculty and students can retrieve online information relevant to their academic activities from the dedicated 35 terminals in digital Library.
- Providing network resource sharing facilities through DELNET and inter library loan services.
- Updating the users by providing the latest information appearing in the newspapers, books journals and digital content.
- Resource sharing and inter Library loan facility.
- Conducting awareness programmes on optimization and usage of Library resources
- To further sharpen and upgrade the skills & abilities of the faculty and students, the Departmental Libraries were set – up at the respective departments
- All the library members have open access to library documents. This facility is granted to library members to encourage their reading habits and to promote the maximum use of library documents.
- The Central Library is guided and governed by the Library committee empanelled by eminent personalities drawn from the departments of the institution. This committee assists and guides in improving the quality of the services to the user community. The Library Committee Convenes meetings periodically at every dawn of the semester and submits the minutes of meetings.
- Discussion Room Facility extended to all students and Faculty
Timings of the Library: 9.00 AM to 6.00PM
Lending Section | 9.30 a.m. to 4.30 p.m. |
Periodicals Section | 9.30 a.m. to 4.30 p.m. |
Reference Section | 9.30 a.m. to 6.00 p.m. |
E-Resource Centre | 9.30 a.m. to 6.00 p.m. |
Discussion Room | 9.30 a.m. to 6.00 p.m. |
Sections of the Central Library
The library has several sections with their own functions to perform for the benefit of the users and to improve the efficiency of the library.
The sections in the Vidya Jyothi Institute of Technology Library are :
- Circulation section
- Periodical section
- Reprographic section
- Reference section
- E-resource Centre ( Digital Library )
- Discussion Room
- Digital Library
- SC / ST Book Bank Section
Departemental Libraries
In addition to the Central Library, each department has separate departmental Libraries. The following number of books available in departmental libraries
S. No. |
Department |
No. of Volumes |
1 |
Civil Engineering |
124 |
2 |
Electrical and Electronics Engineering |
230 |
3 |
Mechanical Engineering |
248 |
4 |
Electronics and Communication Engineering |
229 |
5 |
Computer Science and Engineering |
191 |
6 |
Information Technology |
217 |
7 |
Master of Business Administration |
134 |
Humanities & Sciences Library – First Year |
8 |
Humanities & Sciences |
10,076 |
Online Public Access catalogue (OPAC)
- The catalogue is automated using the KOHA software through the OPAC Section.
- OPAC is a register of all bibliographic items found in Library
- It is an online database of materials held in Library
- To enable a person to find a book of which either Author, Title, Subject and number of books borrowed by a reader.
- The users can search the books available in the library using this OPAC Section.
- The circulation status of the searched book is mentioned in the search results.
- The bibliographic details like edition, year of publication, subject, keywords, etc. are entered into the software.
The details entered in this section are indexed on various fields like Author; Title, Subjects, Departments, Keywords, etc., and can be retrieved through the OPAC service.
Cataloguing helps the user to find the right resource for their needs and also saves the time in finding the right resource

Digital Library & Institutional Repository
E- Resources
- IEEE (ASPP) All Society Periodicals Package
- ASCE: American Society of Civil Engineers
- ASME: American Society of Mechanical Engineers
- EBSCO: e-Books Database
- DELNET: Developing Library Networks
- INFLIBNET: Information Library Network (N-LIST)
- NPTEL: National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning
- NDL: National Digital Library
- Previous Question Papers
- Project Reports
- Course Files
- Faculty Publications
Digital Library is equipped with latest highly configured Multi media 35 Systems with 100 MBPS Intenet Bandwidth.
E-Resources and Website details
S. No. | E-Resources | Website |
User name (UN) & Password (PW) |
1. | IEEE (ASPP) | |
UN: eCpeZm9C Pw: sH4vVhab |
2. |
UN: tgvjith PW: vjith4712 |
3. | N-List | |
PW: 971032 |
4 | ASME | |
PW: asmeonline59837 |
5. | ASCE | |
PW: onlineasce |
6. | EBSCO | |
U.N: vjit P.W: ebook@2020 |
7. | NPTEL | |
UN: nptel Pw: nptel |
8. | National Digital Library India |
PW:vjit19 |
9. | VJIT Digital Library | |
10. | VJIT Library OPAC Search |
Open Access E-Resources and Websites
S. No. |
E-Resources | Web site |
1 |
International Association of Engineering and Management Education (IAEME) | |
2 | Open Access Journals Search Engine (OAJSE) | |
3 | Hindawi Publishing Corporation | |
4 | Bentham Open Access Journals | |
5 | Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) | |
6 | Science Direct | |
7 | Springer Open | |
8 | Indian Academy of Sciences | |
9 | Academic Journals | |
10 |
National Institute of Science Communication and Information Resources (CSIR-NISCAIR) | |
11 | Scientific Research | |
12 | Khan Academy | |
13 | Jstor | |
14 | Project Gutenberg | |
15 | Omics International | |
16 | PLOS Journals | |
17 | Oxford Open Journals | open/index.html |
18 | Indian Journals | et=open_access_publications_list |
19 | DESIDOC-DRDO | p?pg=public.jsp |
20 | Academy & Industry Research Collaboration Centre | |
21 | Computer Engineering & Application Journal | issue/current |
22 | Library Genesis | |
23 | Journal of Mechanical Engineering & Technology | m_docman&Itemid=40 |
24 | Open Journal Systems | |
25 |
International Journal of New Technologies in Science and Engineering (IJNTSE – ISSN: 2349-0780) | |
26 | DLINE Journals | |
Library Rules
General Rules and Regulations
- Silence & Cleanliness should be strictly maintained in & around the Library & Information Centre.
- After obtaining the Institute Identity Card, all the Students are advised to apply for the Library Membership in a prescribed application form, which is available at library Information Desk.
- All the UG / PG Students are eligible to borrow / Loan three (3) Books from the Circulation section for a Period of 14 (FOURTEEN) Days.
- All the Students / Staff should clear the dues to obtain a NO-DUE Certificate from the Library & Information Centre.
- While borrowing the Books the User is ADVISED to Check and ensure that the Book(s) / is/ are in PROPER condition. If any Page(s) are MISSING or DAMAGED, inform the same to the Library Staff on Duty.
- The students should get the borrowed books CHECKED OUT and cooperate with the staff member at the EXIT GATE. To verify the Check-Out details.
- Avoid making Pencil / Pen Marks, Underlining, or any other type of Damage to the Book(s). If any such things are noticed at the time of returning the books, the Borrower will be held RESPONSIBLE.
- In case the Book is lost, the Borrower has to REPLACE the LATEST EDITION of the Lost Book. If the Book is not available, the Borrower has to pay the COST of the Book as per the Library Rules.
- Borrowers should RETURN the books ON or BEFORE the Due Date. Defaulter will be fined Rs.1.00 (one rupee) per day.
Book Bank facility is available for SC, ST Students. Students belonging to the respective group can make use of these Banks.
REFERENCE BOOKS & JOURNALS are NOT for ISSUE and they should be referred WITHIN the Library & Information Centre only. - WATCH the Notice Board of the Library & Information Centre every time you visit for any updates.
- Visit the Library & Information Centre website for more information on Library Resources, Services and Activities.
- Consult the Library Staff on Duty for a reference service or any other Information or Clarification.
- Utmost Co-operation, Proper Communication, Discipline and Conduct are always solicited.
- Library documents taken out for consultation from shelves should not be restored to the shelves by users; they should be left on the reading tables in the library.
- Theses, dissertations, rare books, books out of print, reprints, microfilms, reference books of general nature such as encyclopedias, almanacs, directories, hand books, reports, pamphlets, technical bulletins shall not be issued for home reading and can be consulted in the library.
- Library document loaned for the normal period may be renewed for two more loan period on production of the same provided they are not already claimed by other readers.
- Library document is not non-transferable, nor shall any member borrow library documents (s) on other member’s account.
- Member can borrow library documents only once in a day.
Library documents which are not in good condition shall not be issued for home reading. - Library suspends to issue new books, if the student is overdue two or more books at one time.
- The suspension will remove as soon as he/she clears all his/her overdue.
- Removing library documents without getting them properly issued is a serious misdemeanor and Librarian shall have powers to impose fine.
Rules And Regulations For Discussion Room
- Display your student identification nametag upon entry.
Ensure that you are properly and decently dressed - No consumption of food or drinks allowed.
- This Discussion Room should not be used for private or social purpose. It is purely for promoting academic objectives.
- Use only chairs and tables provide to not bring in furniture from other areas of the library
- Users are required to use the discussion room for group study and discussion only. Subject to the rules.
- Refrain loud or disruptive behavior while using this section
Use of this section is limited to a maximum of 2 hours at a single stretch. - Using of this section is on first come first served basis. No observations are entertained.
- Re – arrange the dislocated chairs, tables after use.
- This discussion section is under continuous electronic surveillance often been monitored by the college higher authorities.
- The librarian on duty has the right to order you to leave the discussion room at any point of time, if you were to be found violating any of the rules framed.
- The library will not responsible for the loss / misplacement of any valuable of the users.
- Any user causes disturbances or refuse to abide by the library rules may be asked to leave.
Library Membership
- All the Bonafide Students and Staff members are eligible for membership and use the services of Library & Information Centre.
- Application for membership should be made on the prescribed form can be obtained from the Library’s Information Desk.
- All the registered members are called the users of Library.
The Library is primarily for the use of Faculty, Research Scholars and students. - On special request, outsiders (Students, Faculty, Research scholars of other Colleges) are also permitted for a shorter period for research with written permission from the Librarian on the basis of a letter from the concerned Department / Institute.
- The privilege of borrowing books from the library is restricted to Institute Staff & Students only.
- An overdue charge will be collected for returning the books after the due date. Library currently has 4000 student members and 300 staff members
Members |
Library Cards(Books) |
Loan Period |
Teaching Faculty | 04 | Semester |
Students | 03 | 15 Days |

Enrollment Procedure for Library membership
Users |
Requirements |
Teaching Faculty |
4 stamp Size photos -1 passport – college ID |
Students |
3 stamp Size photos -1 passport – college ID |
Library Committee
To aid and advice the Library operations the Library committee has been constituted for governing the library activities in day to day activities for effective functioning of the Library. The Committee meets periodically to review the progress and actions to be taken in due course of time.
The Following is the Constitution of the Library Committee
Name | Position | Department |
Dr. V. V. Satyanarayana | Chair person | Mech |
Dr. A. Srujana | Member | E E E |
Dr. S. Tulasi Prasad | Member | E C E |
Dr. K S R K Sharma | Member | C S E |
Mr. G. Srikanth Reddy | Convenor | Library |
Library Staff
Name |
Designation |
Mr. G. Srikanth Reddy |
Librarian |
Mr. V. John Alexander, |
Assistant Librarian |
Mr. P. Prabhakar |
Assistant Librarian |
Mr. G. Venkat Reddy |
Assistant Librarian |
Mr. S. Srihari |
Library Assistant |
Ms. Indira |
Attender |
Students belonging to S.C/S.T can also avail this Book Bank facility. The books are supplied by the Government of Telangana, Department of Social Welfare under the Integrated Scheme of Social Welfare for SC/ST. Under this scheme the students of SC/ST are given a set of textbooks at the beginning of each semester.
VJIT-NDL Club Events Conducted
S. No. |
Event Title |
Day / Date / Timing |
1 |
Digital Libraries – Present Scenario |
Tue Mar 08, 2022 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM |
2 |
Accelerating Career Momentum through IEEE e-Resources |
Wed Mar 16, 2022 02:00 AM to 03:30 AM |
3 |
English Literature Quiz |
Tue Mar 29, 2022 06:00 PM to 09:00 PM |
4 |
Computer Programming |
Sat Apr 30, 2022 08:00 PM to 08:00 PM |
5 |
Explore New Project Work Features in IEEE XploreLink: |
Fri Jan 13, 2023 01:15 AM to 03:00 AM |
6 |
Sun Mar 12, 2023 06:00 PM to 08:00 PM |
Can a bound volume of journal be issued to a member?
Can a current (unbound) issue of journals be issued to a Library member?
No, current (unbound) issue of journals are not issued to any category of library user.
How can I recommend subscription to a new journal in the Library?
An authorized user can send your request for subscription to a new journal through your Head of the Department. It may, however, be noted that the Library can subscribe to only a limited number of journals for a given Department from the funds allocated to the respective Department from the total budget of the Library.
Can I bring my personal books or other reading materials to the Library?
No. Users are not allowed to bring their personal books or other reading materials to the Library. They can, however, bring their Money Purses, important certificates in to the Library & Information Centre.
How can an outsider use the Central Library?
Individuals affiliated to corporate bodies like industries, can use the Library as Corporate Members. Although individuals are discouraged to make use of the Library, they may contact the librarian for Seeking permission