The Department of Civil Engineering, Vidya Jyothi Institute Of Technology in association with Dr.Fixit Training Institute Organized a Two days Certification course On Waterproofing and Protection of Concrete Structures on 20th and 21st March 2023 by the Speaker Dr.Tirtha Pratim Banerjee, Manager -Trainee, Ms.Seema Samshette, Course Coordinate and Dr.Pallavi Badry, Professor and Head of Civil Engineering Department.The Main Objective of the course which carried out on the First Day on 20-03-2023 was given seminar on Waterproofing ,Dampness,Swimming Pool,Basements,Bathrooms,Roof Slab Waterproofing etc. On the Second Day of 21-03-2023 Dr.Fixit team given demonstration in concrete laboratory on the materials how to use and quantity of measurement required in the construction works and also Students were assigned with Presentations on different topics considering present scenario of the constructions. Students from VJIT, KG Reddy and Anurag University performed Vigorously .The Certificates were Issued By Dr.Fixit Training Institute to all the Participants. Subsequently Students were also actively participated in solving their queries and attempted quiz. Finally the session was formally ended with vote of thanks
Guest Lecture on “From Data to Decision: Practical Applications of Data Science”
The Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) organized an insightful Guest Lecture on the topic “From Data to Decision: Practical Applications of Data Science” on 16th October 2024. The lecture was delivered by Mr. Challapalli Sudhakar, Chairman of the CSI...
Learning waterproofing