The department of Chemistry has organized a guest lecture titled “Chemistry of Batteries” for the students of I year B.Tech students on 02 June 4, 2023 at 10 AM at E Block Seminar Hall. To create awareness and to make young professionals understand the importance of renewable energy technology, on which the entire world is focused, Dr. P. Venu Gopal, HoD Chemistry, Vasavi College of Engineering, Hyderabad was invited as the guest speaker.
Principal, Dr. E. Sai Baba Reddy, HoD- Chemistry, Mrs. P Annapurna, Heads of other Departments graced the event.
The programme began with an addressing by Mrs. P. Annapurna, HoD Chemistry VJIT who spoke about the objective of organizing the guest lecture.
Dr. E. Sai Baba Reddy, Principal VJIT appreciated the department for initiating this lecture. He highlighted the worldwide significance of battery technology, as energy storage systems.
Dr. P. Venu Gopal, Guest Speaker, sparked the lecture with the application of batteries in emerging technologies. He enunciated the types and working of batteries, emphasizing the lithium ion batteries and flow cells. He encouraged the students to be aware of the laterst innovations in the world of portable technologies. The programme ended on a grand note with overwhelming response from the 1st and 2nd B. Tech students.