The Civil engineering Department of VJIT celebrated “Engineers Day “on 15th September 2022 Guest of Honours-Dr.E.Sai Baba Reddy Director of VJIT, Dr A padmaja Principal of VJIT and Guests-Er.Srinivas Rao Hon.Secretary ICI Hyderabad chapter and tech, Head UltraTech cement ltd Hyd and Er.G.Venu , EC member ICI Hyd chapter and territory manager UltraTech cement ltd Hyd. Er. K Sathish, Senior officer, Quality Control, Ultratech RMC. All the faculty members and students have participated in the programme and also at the Departmental level Technical events have been conducted to the students. Event was sustained by giving speeches regarding Engineers day by our respective guest of honors and guests. Ms.Surabhi Final year UG student from Civil Engineering department was awarded with a cash prize from UltraTech Hyd for getting the best score in the course Concrete Technology. Guests were felicitated by Dr.E.Sai baba Reddy and Dr A Padmaja on the eve of Engineers Day. Event continued with the announcement of winners for Technical activities conducted by the respective departments, awarded with certificates to the students. Finally the event formally ended with a vote of thanks.