Vidya Jyothi Institute of Technology celebrated its Annual Day ‘Crescendo 2k13’ on 10th April, 2013 with great fanfare and gusto. Competitions and sports events were held and students participated enthusiastically all through Crescendo means an increase in intensity or loudness till it reaches its peak. True to its name, it generated lot of enthusiasm and euphoria.

The Chief Guest for the Annual Day function was Dr. A. Govardhan, Director of evaluation, JNTUH. Special Guests were well known Play back singers, Ms. Geetha Madhuri and Mr. Krishna Chaitanya. The young crowd had a great time listening to the foot tapping music of the duo. Many other cultural programmes were also there to entertain the crowd.
Prizes were distributed under four categories – Academic, Cultural, Literary and Sports. ‘Crescendo’ Annual day of VJIT was a bonanza for one and all.