Programs Offered
B.Tech (EEE)
Intake – 60
M.Tech (Electrical Power System)
Intake – 24
Core Competencies
- Electric Vehicles
- Sustainable Energy
- Smart Grid
- Flexible AC Transmission system (FACTS)
- Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA)
To become a reputed department in the impartation of professional and technical expertise in the field of Electrical and Electronics Engineering.
- Imparting Quality Technical Education by provision of state-of-the-art learning facilities.
- Preparing the students to think innovatively and find effective solutions to address engineering and societal problems with a multi-disciplinary approach maintaining continuous industry interaction.
- Encouraging team work and preparing the students for lifelong learning with ethical responsibility for a successful professional career.
About EEE Department
Electrical & Electronics Engineering (EEE) is a widely acclaimed engineering discipline and is known to be a bridge to the best careers in diverse technology areas. The Department of EEE is established in 1999 and is accredited by NBA thrice. In 2022, the department was accredited for a period of 3 years under Tier-I. The Department provides exposure to the students with hands-on experience on various Electrical Engineering subjects so as to face the challenges of the modern corporate world . The department works to mold them as responsible citizens of the country who have a willingness to serve the society.
The department intends to improve the competencies of students and faculties on contemporary technologies through continuous improvement programs, with an aim, to create comprehensive electrical engineers to meet up the growing technological demands of the society. The students and faculty are encouraged to undertake research on frontier areas of electrical and electronics engineering to create comprehensive electrical engineers to meet up the growing technological demands of the society.
The students are also encouraged acquire knowledge in interdisciplinary courses such as IOT,Java programming, green building technologies, smart cities ..etc. The syllabus is designed and revised with the latest technological developments in the industry. Well-equipped state of art laboratories conjoined with extensive practical exposure, the student receives complete education. Regular industry interfacing enhances the students engineering capabilities and inspire them to create the best technology solutions.
Prominent Features
- Accredited by National Board of Accreditation (NBA).
- Outcome Based Education (OBE).
- Choice Based Credit System (CBCS).
- Working models in the department make the students to follow project-based learning.
- ICT enabled classrooms.
- Blended teaching learning approach with innovative methods in day-to-day teaching.
- Well-equipped physical laboratories with basic & advanced equipment and software’s.
- Peer reviewed reputed e-Journals such IEEE, DELNET subscriptions for the latest technology updates.
- Expertise in Power Systems, Power Electronics and Renewable Energy sources.
- NPTEL, IUCEE and Coursera certification opportunities.
- IEEE, IEI and ISTE student chapters for students’ technical activities.
- Personality Development and Soft Skills Training.
- Logical Reasoning and Quantitative Aptitude Training.
- Regular Industrial visits.
- MoU with industries to get placement internships and students projects. Some of the industries are Instrumental Transformers, Sapient Systems, Metronix, HIEE and KGMECH Hyderabad.
- Regular webinar on latest technologies adopted in industry by industrial experts.
- Implementation of theoretical concepts through project-oriented learning.
- Technical talks by Alumni.
- Hands on training through workshops on latest technologies like IOT & Machine Learning.
- The EEE student club APRICUS showcases students practical talent in the field they are familiar with by not just limiting themselves to classroom learning.
EEE Team

Dr. A. Srujana
M.Tech, Ph.D
Head of the Department
Dr. A. Srujana completed her Bachelor’s degree from Kakatiya Institute of Technology & Science, Warangal, and M. Tech in Power Electronics from JNTU, Hyderabad. She was awarded Ph.D by JNTUH,Hyderabad for her research in the area of HVDC.She has worked at various capacities in prominent Engineering colleges as Principal, Professor and HOD. She has guided fifteen M. Tech projects & 2 Ph. D students. Her expertise in research is witnessed with her publication of 32 research papers in core technical areas in indexed journals and also in both National and International peer reviewed conferences. She has about 23 years of experience in Academics. Her areas of interests are power Electronics, FACTS, HVDC and POWER SYSTEMS.
Faculty Members
Name | Qualification | Designation |
Dr. A. Srujana | PhD | Professor &HOD |
Dr. C. N. Ravi | PhD | Professor |
Dr. Y. Prakash | PhD | Professor |
Dr. G. Srinivas Rao | PhD | Associate Professor |
Dr. Sivasubramaniyan | PhD | Associate Professor |
Dr. B. Venugopal Reddy | PhD | Associate Professor |
Mr. K. Satish Kumar | M. Tech | Associate Professor |
Mr. P. Nageshwar Rao | M. Tech | Associate Professor |
Mr. D. Srinivas | M. Tech | Associate Professor |
Mrs. V. Vijayalakshmi | M. Tech | Associate Professor |
Mr. T. Parameshwar | M. Tech | Associate Professor |
Mr. Hussain Shaik | M. Tech | Associate Professor |
Mr. M. Vijaykumar | M. Tech | Assistant Professor |
Mrs. K. Swapna | M. Tech | Assistant Professor |
Mrs. S. Chaitanya | M. Tech | Assistant Professor |
Mr. P. Naga Muneendra | M. Tech | Assistant Professor |
Mr. L. Raju | M. Tech | Assistant Professor |
Mr. Vikram Chandha | M. Tech | Assistant Professor |
Mr. B. Sudhakar Reddy | M. Tech | Assistant Professor |
Mr. K. Rajeev | M. Tech | Assistant Professor |
Mr. S. Suresh | M. Tech | Assistant Professor |
Mrs. K. Haritha | M. Tech | Assistant Professor |
Mr. B. Rajesh | M. Tech | Assistant Professor |
Mr. A. Mohandas | M. Tech | Assistant Professor |
Mr. D. Srikanth | M. Tech | Assistant Professor |
Mr. R. Sevilal | M. Tech | Assistant Professor |
Outcome Based Education
PEO1: Equip graduates with a sound foundation in mathematics, science and engineering fundamentals, necessary to build a prospective career.
PEO2:Graduates will excel in giving solutions to real-time problems through
technical expertise and operational skill set in the field of Electrical
PEO3:Graduates will act with integrity in catering the need-based requirements blended with ethics and professionalism
Engineering Graduates will be able to:
- Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems.
- Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.
- Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.
- . Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.
- Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.
- The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.
- Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.
- Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.
- Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
- . Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.
- Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
- Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.
PSO1:Conceptualize electrical and electronics systems, employ control strategies for power electronics related applications to prioritize societal
PSO2: Apply the appropriate techniques and modern engineering hardware and software tools in electrical engineering to engage in multi-disciplinary
Life @ EEE Department
Events / Activities / News
Stay connected and informed with latest engineering news and events, and engage with the college community.
Department Achievements
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering is Accredited by NBA 2022 TIER-I and previously it was accredited TIER-II in 2018 and 2010.
Department is recognized as R&D Centre by JNTUH.
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering conducted Two weeks Hands-on Training on EV Technology and Manufacturing From 15th February to 2nd March 2023 for the Final year students and faculty and developed an EV golf cart for campus use.
Department has subscriptions for the latest technology updates for Peer reviewed reputed e-Journals such IEEE, DELNET.
Department has MoU with industries to get placement internships and students projects. Some of the industries are Instrumental Transformers, Sapient Systems, Metronix, HIEE and KGMECH ,Hyderabad.
Faculty Achievements
- Two research scholars are awarded Doctoral Degree under the guidance of Dr. A. Srujana, Professor and HoD.
- One research scholar awarded Doctoral Degree under the guidance of Dr. C.N.Ravi, Professor, EEE.
- Mr. D. Srinivas is awarded as Best Teacher by VJIT.
- Mrs. K. Swapna is awarded as Best Teacher by VJIT.
- Dr.A. Srujana, Professor & HoD, Mr.B.Sudhakar Reddy, Mr.B.Rajesh, Mr. M.Vijaykumar, Department of EEE granted the International patent on IFAC- Driver Less Vehicle Autonomous Control.
- Dr. C. N. Ravi is awarded as the Best Researcher by ESN Publications
- Mr. K. Satish Kumar is awarded as Best Teacher by ESN Publications.
- Dr. A. Srujana, Professor and HoD, department of EEE has published the Indian patent on DSPV-Digital Electric Meter
- Dr. A. Srujana, Professor and HoD, department of EEE has granted the International patent on IFAC- Driver Less Vehicle
- Dr. C. N. Ravi, professor, Department of EEE has published the Indian patent on AOVL- Voltage Load ProtectionDr. A. Srujana, Professor and Head conferred with Best Academician for outstanding commitment for service render in engineering education by Pride of Education Awards.
- Dr. C. N .Ravi is conferred with Best Researcher Award for providing quality learning experience to students and good research in the field of power systems in Pride of Education Awards.
- Mr. K. Satish Kumar is conferred with Best Teacher for outstanding excellence and remarkable achievements in the field of teaching engineering students by ESN awards.
- Dr. C. N. Ravi acted as Resource Person and delivered a lecture on the topic: Spider Monkey Optimization in Two-Week Skill Based Short Term Course on “MATLAB PROGRAMMING” organized by Department of Information and Communication Technology, Chaudhary Bansi Lal University, Bhiwani 15th-27th November, 2021.
- C. N. Ravi invited as chairperson to deliver the Keynote Address International Virtual Conference on INNOVATIONS AND RESEARCH IN MARINE ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING on 28-04-2022.
- Dr. C. N. Ravi invited as reviewer for 2021 International Conference onSmart Generation Computing, Communication and Networking(SMART GENCON) on 29th & 30th October 2021.
- Dr. C. N. Ravi serving as a reviewer for Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience from 01-04-2022
- Mrs Haritha, Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering Vidya Jyothi Institute of Technology, has completed a Course with Distinction on “Online Teaching” July to September 2020 conducted by IUCEE Faculty Team
- Dr. G. Madhusudhana Rao, Professor is awarded “BHARATH VIDYA SHIROMANI AWARD” by the eminent persons Dr.Chadra Ketu – Director of AYUSH, Ministry of Health, Government of India and Mr Indrapal Singh Minister of Rural Development – Government of UP on 27th February 2020.
- Dr. S. Siva Prasad and Dr. C. N. Ravi are invited as Speakers to deliver a lecture on “Optimal Power Flow solutions using Intelligent Algorithm” in All India Seminar – “Policies of Governments, Paradigms Challenges and Opportunities for Sustainable Electrical Power in India” organized by The Institution of Engineers (India), Telangana State Centre, Khairatabad, Hyderabad, on 19th February 2020.
- D. Srinivas, V. Vijaya Lakshmi, L. Raju & K. Haritha faculty members have successfully completed the Scilab course conducted by Spoken Tutorial Project IIT Bombay on 3rd October 2019.
- Dr.S.Siva Prasad is conferred with Best Head of the Department in appreciation and recognition of outstanding contribution in the field of Administration,Teaching and Research on 28th Sep 2019.
- Dr. C.N .Ravi is conferred with Best Teacher for outstanding excellence and remarkable achievements in the field of teaching, research and publications.
- Dr. C.N Ravi has obtained a certificate from NPTEL Programme on Successful completion of course on Introduction to smart grid during July- September 2019.
- N.NarasimhaRao has achieved a certificate from NPTEL Programme on Successful completion of course on Power System Analysis during July- Oct 2019.
- V.VijayaLakshmi has acquired a certificate from NPTEL Programme on Successful completion of course on Fundamentals of electrical engineering July- Oct 2019.
- Dr. C.N .Ravi has achieved a certificate from NPTEL Programme on Successful completion of course on Power System Analysis July- Oct 2019.
- Dr. C. N. Ravi has been participated and presented his concept on “Automated low-cost tender coconut water extraction unit for livelihood enhancement – COCO KASAYA and was selected in National convention under Chhatra Vishwakarma Awards – 2019 at AICTE Head Quarters, New Delhi on 24th February 2020.
- Mr. Hussain Shaik has presented a paper entitled “Transformation of technical education in India” at seventh international conference on ”TRANSFORMATIONS IN ENGINEERING EDUCATION(ICTIEE-2020) held during 5th-8th January 2020 organized by Anurag Group of Institutions.
- Faculty members published Around 30 Research Papers in various National & International Conferences & Journals.
- Five faculty members got the admission in Ph.D. program in different universities.
Student Achievements
- Naveen of IV year secured 3rd place in Volley ball at ARENA-2023 , BITS pilani held from 2nd to 5th Feb 2023.
- Sudheer Kumar,M Narender,A.Ramakrishna,K.Rakesh of III Year EEE secured 2nd place in Contrive-2k23 (Project Expo) for Pole Climbing Robo at Vidya Jyothi Institute of Technology held from 10th to 11th January,2023.
- Sanjeev Kumar,V.Durga Prasad ,M.Pavan,M.Harshavardhan of IV year EEE secured 2nd place in Contrive-2k23 (Project Expo) for AGRO at Vidya Jyothi Institute of Technology held from 10th to 11th January,2023.
- Maheshwar,N.Dattatreya,Srisailam of IV year EEE secured 2nd place in Contrive-2k23 (Project Expo) for Electromagnetic Suspension at Vidya Jyothi Institute of Technology held from 10th to 11th January,2023.
- Sanjeev Kumar ,V.Durga Prasad,M.Harshavardhan,M.Pavan of III year EEE selected among Top 10 teams in Final Pitch Day at Youth for Social Impact on Oct-November 2022.
- Anirudh Soni,K S Keshav Kumar and Team of IV year got 1st place in Smart India Hackathon 2022 held on 26th August,2022.
- Sindhu of III year secured 2nd place in Paper presentation (Topic:Electric power system for satellite) at Constellar-A Technical Symposium conducted at Anurag University on 15th August,2022.
- Sanjeev Kumar,V.Durga Prasad of III EEE year was awarded Best presentation in Ideathon 2k22, A National level design contest on innovations in defence electronics at Kalam Institute of Youth Excellence Foundation held on 15th August,2022.
- Sanjeev Kumar,V.Durga Prasad,M.Harshavardhan,M.Pavan of III year EEE secured 1st place in JHUB Hackathon league at Jawaharlal Nehru Technological Institute,Hyderabad held from 3rd to 4th June 2022.
- A team of IV-year EEE selected among Top 10 teams in Final Pitch Day at Youth for Social Impact conducted from Oct-Nov 2022.
A team Anirudh Soni,K S Keshav Kumar of IV year got short listed for Smart India Hackathon 2022 grand finale at National level.
A team K. SanjeevKumar ,M.Pavan, M.Harshavardhan, V.DurgaPrasad of III year got 1st place in JHUB-JNTUH-HACKATHON LEAGUE 22 on 3rd and 4th june 2022 organised by VJIT at National level.
Ch. SaiTeja of II year got 1st prize in Technical Quiz conducted at PRAGNYA’22, JNTUCEH on 13th March ,2022 at National level.
Sai Vivekanand Joshi of II year got 2nd place in English Olympiad (TOFEL) conducted on 31st august,2021 at ETS, TOEFL Essentials.
Anirudh Soni, K Keshava Rao, Khwaja Sohail Ahmed of III year got 5th Place in Hackathon Santri 2021 for EDU-AR app at International level.
P. Naveen Kumar of III year got 1st prize in 13 th Indian open inter engineering collegiate sports fest conducted at VNRVJIET on June 2nd 2022 at National level.
P.Naveen Kumar of III year 2nd position in AIRO 2022 held from 16th-21st may in Volley ball event at Tech Mahindra at National level.
P.Naveen Kumar of III year 1st prize in volleyball (Men )conducted at EKALAVYA SPORTS MEET-2022 on april 9th organized by Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Technology at National level.
- Ch.Sai Teja won 1st prize in Technical Quiz conducted at PRAGNYA’22,JNTUCEH on 13th March ,2022 at National level.
Sai Vivekanand Joshi won 2nd place in English Olympiad (TOFEL) conducted on 31st august,2021 at ETS, TOEFL Essentials at National level. - Anirudh Soni, K Keshava Rao, Khwaja Sohail Ahmed go t5th Place in Hackathon Santri 2021 for EDU-AR app at international level.
Anirudh Soni, K Keshava Rao, Khwaja Sohail Ahmed1st place in Minekee Hacks Canada International Hackathon conducted on 1st August 2020 at International level. - Anirudh Soni,K S Keshava Rao Great effort,contribution and innovation in CISCO Webex Virtual Hackathon conducted on 11th February,2021at International level.
- Anirudh Soni, K Keshava Rao, Khwaja Sohail Ahmed Published a research paper entitled EDU-AR: Integrating and Optimizing Education with Augmented Reality In IJERT, Dec-20 at international level.
- K.Mani Chaitanya Graduated from Ethical Hacking Master’s Program with distinction conducted on 12th August ,2020 at International level.
- Anirudh Soni Successfully completed Final Evaluation Test with a score of 90% in One week online workshop on Fundamentals of MATLAB and Programming conducted at Kakatiya Institute of Technology and Science on6th to 11th July 2020 at national level.
- III B.Tech students Anirudh Soni, K Keshava Rao, Khwaja Sohail Ahmed team achieved 5th place in Hackathon Santri 2021.
- III B.Tech students Anirudh Soni, K Keshava Rao, Khwaja Sohail Ahmed team with prototype videoclip is shortlisted for 4th AICTE-Chhatra Vishwakarma Awards 2020.
- II B.Tech student Anirudh Soni has participated in A National level one week online workshop on Fundamentals of MATLAB and Programming conducted by Kakatiya Institute of Technology and Science from 6th to 11th july 2020 and secured 90% score in final evaluation test of the workshop.
- Anirudh Soni, K S Keshava Rao and K. Pavan Kumar were awarded Certificate of Participation in Online Course on “Remote Sensing and Digital Image Analysis” conducted by Indian Institute of Remote Sensing (IIRS), ISRO, Dehradun during 17th August 2020 to 11th September 2020.
- K. Prasanna and Dev Kumar Jaiswal were awarded Certificate of Participation in an Online Course on “Basics of Remote Sensing Geographical Information System and Global Navigation Satellite System” conducted by Indian Institute of Remote Sensing (IIRS), ISRO, Dehradun during 17th August 2020 to 20th September 2020
- Ms. Lakshmi Sarada Pravallika Eamani was awarded Certificate of Participation in an Online Course on “Basics of Geocomputation and Geoweb Services” conducted by Indian Institute of Remote Sensing (IIRS), ISRO, Dehradun during 19th October 2020 to 20th October 2020
- Anirudh Soni, K S Keshava Rao and Khwaja Sohail Ahmed have published a Research Paper entitled EDU-AR: Integrating and Optimizing Education with Augmented Reality In IJERT, Volume 9, Issue 12 , December 2020
- K.S.Keshav Rao,Anirudh Soni, Khwaja Sohail Ahmed has secured 1st position in MINEKEE HACKS on 1st August 2020.
- K.S.Keshav Rao,Anirudh Soni, K.Pavan kumar,Dev jaiswal,Khwaja Sohail Ahmed has secured sixth position in EXCITE -2020(Six week product engineering workshop)which was shortlisted as one of the promising product categeory organized by J hub,JNTUH during 18th june to 30th july 2020.
- S.Keshav Rao,Anirudh Soni, K.Pavan kumar underwent Remote Sensing and Digital Image Analytics from IIRS outreach programme from 17th August to 30th September 2020 and successfully completed the course.
- A group of four III year students Anirudh soni, KS Keshava Rao,Kareti Pavan Kumar and Dev Kumar Jaiswal won 1st prize at J-HUB Hackathon League -2020 held on 24th and 25th January 2020.
- Khwaja sohail Ahmed,Anirudh soni and KS Keshava Rao from III year won 1st prize at Coronathon -2020 CMR held from 19th May to 30th May 2020.
- Various students across years have participated and won prizes at International and National level events like JNTU technical Symposium PRAGYA 2020, J-HUB Central Bootcamp-2020, i-innovate 1million seconds Hackathon, GFEF- Virtual Hackathon by GCEC Jaipur, xcel@thon’20 JNTU and Nav-ujjawal E-innovation Hackathon.
- II B.Tech students Bandi Aditya & team has participated in ANDROID WORKSHOP at JNTU Hyderabad on 24th & 25th February 2020 organized by in association with innovative cell, IIT Bombay
- II B.Tech students has secured 2nd position in the PROJECT EXPO in the National Level Techinical Symposium PRAGNYA 2020 at JNTUH on 12th and 13th March 2020.
- II B.Tech students participated in Heartfulness Essay Event -2019 organized by Shri Rama Chandra Mission.
- The II, III & IV B.Tech students participated in the Project & Science EXPO 2020 conducted on 29 February 2020 at VJIT.
- 42 students have successfully completed the Training/Test in Arduino course conducted by Spoken Tutorial Project IIT Bombay on 27th September 2019.
- 33 students have successfully completed the Training /Test in Scilab course conducted by Spoken Tutorial Project IIT Bombay on 3rd September 2019.
- Y. SaiTeja, of IV B. Tech year got placed in Jaro Education System with Rs.12.5 Lakhs highest package in the campus placements in the year 2019.
- K. Sai Samanvith Reddy, IV B. Tech got placed in Byju’s Education System with Rs. 10 lakhs package in the campus placements in the year 2019.
- K. Adarsh, B. Srinath Yadav, C. Srisailam, C. Pawan Reddy & G. Vishnu Vardhan of III B. Tech won the first prize in J-HUB HACKATHON event conducted in JNT University on 2nd Feb 2019.
- J. Madhulatha & K. Nalini of II B.Tech won the 2nd prize in Technical quiz event conducted by JNT University, Hyderabad on 13th & 14th March 2019.
- M. Shiva & M. Ganesh of III B. Tech won the first prize in Volleyball at the Sports Fest conducted by Anurag Group of Institutions, Hyderabad on 4th & 5th January 2019.
- Sai Teja Yetchu of EEE 2019 batch selected into Jaro Top Scholars pvt.Ltd with a package of 12 Lakhs per annum.
- 43 Final Year students are selected in Go Speedy.
- 6 Students from Final Year got selected in CapGemini and Cluster IT.
- Sowjanya Reddy from Final Year got selected in WIPRO.
- Sai Samanvith Reddy from Final Year got selected in ZENQ.
- 4 Students from Final Year got selected in Tech Steeds.
- A III year student V.Sai Ganesh participated at state level Hackathon “Vibhavana” held at CVSR on 21st and 22 nd December 2018.
- Mr.MirFarasuddin Hamza , III I sem EEE has been awarded the certificate of excellence at the event pre-hackathon at NASA International Space Challenge 2018 held at BVRIT – I sem of academic year 2018-19.
- Mr.M.Ganesh, Mr.M.Shiva, Mr.Vinay and team have won medals in various sports events at the National inter engineering college sports meet Aura 2018 held at CBIT during 18th to 20th September 2018.
- KapuramSowjanya Reddy with CGPA 9.77 from batch 2015-19 was awarded with first Prize.
- Mazumdar Jayasree with CGPA 9.51 from batch 2015-19 was awarded with Second Prize.
- KolluriChandraShekar Reddy with CGPA 9.50 from 2015-19 was awarded with Third prize.
- .SaiSamanvith Reddy, IV B.Tech got placed in Byju’s Education System with 10 lakhs package in the campus placements in the year 2019.
- 77 students of IV year selected in the campus placements in various companies like Jaro Education System, Byju’s Education System, Capgemini, Amazon and Cluster IT Etc.
- A team of III year students V.Sai Ganesh, E.L.S. Pravallika & Rishab Shukhla participated international student forum held at ITM Vocational University, Vadodara, Gujarat on 4th, 5th & 6th Jan, 2018.
- A team of III year students E.L.S. Pravallika, K. Raja Rajeswari & V Sai Ganesh won II prize at national level NASA – Space apps Hackathon held at Nampally Exhibition Ground, Hydebabad on October 20th & 21st 2018.
- A team of III year students V Sai Ganesh (16911A0249) & K. Bharath Kumar (16911A0218) participated an international conference “ASIA WORLD MODEL UNITED NATIONS” held at Bangkok on 31st Jan and 2nd Feb 2019.
- PG & UG students published 20 Research Papers in various National & International Conferences & Journals.
- M.Shiva& M.Ganesh III B.Tech won the First prize in volleyball sports fest conducted in Anurag Group of Institutions, Hyderabad on 4th & 5th Jan, 2019.
- K.Adarsh, B.SrinathYadav, C.Srisailam, C.Pawan Reddy & G.VishnuVardhan III B.Tech won the First prize in J-HUB HACKATHON event conducted in JNTU University on 2nd Feb 2019.
- J.Madhulatha & K.Nalini II B.Tech won the 2nd Prize in Technical quiz event conducted by JNTU University, Hyderabad on 13th & 14th March 2019.
- Mir Farazuddin Hamza & Ganesh awarded for an Outstanding Performance in Prelims round of IOT Challenge 2019 event conducted by i3indyaTechnologieson 17th, 18th Aug 2018 at Anurag Group of Institution.
- Ch.Purnima won 1st prize for the event paper presentation held on 22nd-23rd Feb 2017 National level.
- Naga swathi is awarded as the best student and academic topper for the year 2016-17.
- Deepak Raj is awarded as best team player of VJIT in Cricket in 2017-18.
- K.Bhawana of EEE is awarded as the best HITA Organizer.
- A.D Elysian Satwik won 1st prize in inter college fest at Gurunanak Engineering college on 1st April 2017.
- II year student V Sai Ganesh (16911A0249) participated at state level “TS SMART CITY HACKATHON-ONLINE “held at VJIT in the month February 2018.
- M Barath won 3rd prize in the event “Circuit Tricks” at inter college fest” Sudhee-2017(Electret)” at CBIT, Hyderabad held on 15th & 16th Septmber 2017.
- Madasu Donalika won 3rd prize in the event “Circuit Tricks” at inter college fest” Sudhee-2017(Electret)” at CBIT, Hyderabad held on 15th & 16th Septmber 2017.
- Pisupati Sai Chandana won 2nd prize in the event Poster Presentation at inter college fest” Akshay Urja-2k17” at MVSR Engineering College held on 20th & 21st October 2017.
- Abdul Wahed won 3rd prize in the event Technical Quiz at inter college fest” Magistech-2k17” at MGIT, Hyderabad held on 13th & 14th Oct 2017.
- Akki Pranay Rajeev Reddy won 3rd prize in the event “Technical Quiz” at inter college fest” Magistech-2k17” at MGIT, Hyderabad held on 13th & 14th Oct 2017.
- G. Saarika won 3rd prize in the event “Circuit Smasher” at inter college fest” Technovaganza-2017” at Spoorthy EngineeringCollege, Hyderabad held on 21st & 22nd September 2017.
- Ganji Aravind won 3rd prize in the event “Paper Presentation” at inter college fest” Medha-2k17” at Godavari Institute Of Engineering And Technology, Hyderabad held on 14th & 15th September 2017.
Professional Bodies & Clubs
Industry & Academic Collaborations
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, VJIT has collaborated with SKyy Rider Intuitions. Skyy Rider is the epitome of skill-developing Institutions. In 2015 started as Sky Rider Automotive and registered as Skyy Rider Institutions Private Limited in 2018. As electric vehicle is booming in industry now a days and thousands of jobs being created in Electric Vehicle sector. Its high time for all engineering students to have solid knowledge on Electric Vehicle and become future ready with Electric Vehicle skills. Skyy Riders hosted EEE department and conducted Two weeks Hands-on Training on EV Technology and Manufacturing From 15th February to 2nd March 2023 at our esteemed institute (offline mode) to make our students and faculty skilled in EV sector. The Topics covered are Introduction to Electric & Hybrid Electric Vehicles, Components of Electric Vehicles, Vehicle Kinetics, Types of Batteries suitable for EV Applications & technical characteristics, AC & DC electrical machines for EV Applications, Electric Vehicle Drive Train, Battery Management System and developed an EV golf cart for campus use.
Other Information
Trends in Technology
Year | Name of the capability enhancement program | Date of implementation (DD-MM-YYYY) | Number of students enrolled | Name of the agencies/consultants involved with contact details (if any) |
2023 | Guest lecture on Integrated Circuits,Op-amps & their applications | 27th June 2023 | 70 | Dr.Kowstubha,Associate Professor,Chaitanya Bharathi Institute of Technology. |
2023 | Guest Lecture on PLC | 15th March 2023 | 70 | Mr.Mohammed Akman,Manager ,Technical Trainer at Siemens |
2022 | Guest lecture on Accelerating Career Momentum through IEEE e-Resources | 16th March 2022 | 60 | Mr. M S Srinivasa,Training manager for south states EBSCO Information ServicesIndia Pvt.Ltd .(IEEE official training partner in India). |
2021 | Technical talk on Job opportunities for Electrical Engineers | 6 th Dec 2021 | 75 | MADAN Mohan Goud, Founder & CEO, HYDERABAD INSTITUTE OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERES(HIEE) |
2021 | Webinar on Condition Monitoring Techniques for Transformer | 26th June 2021 | 75 | Mr. Murali Krishna Boddu, Lecturer of Engineering, Electrical Section, Engineering Department, University of Technology & Applied Sciences Shinas, Sultanate of Oman. |
2021 | Webinar on “Shunt Active Power Filters -A solution for Power Quality | 25th June 2021 | 70 | Dr.Kishore Kumar Pedapenki PhD(IITR),Associate Professor ,Department of EEE, Faculty of Engineering &Technology ,Jain(Deemed to be University |
2021 | Webinar on” Electric Vehicle Design & Manufacturing. | 7th May 20210 | 50 | Mr.Sudheer Lekkala, Project Manager at Mithra group |
2021 | Webinar on” Importance of Transmission line in Vertically Integrated and Deregulated Power systems | 7th May 2021 | 80 | Dr.D Lakshmi ,Associate Professor,Academy of Maritime Education and Training,Chennai |
2021 | Webinar on” Renewable Energy sector in India | 24th April 2021 | 70 | Mr. M. Chandra Sekhar, Engineer officer, High Power Lab CPRI Bangalore. |
2021 | Webinar on” Universal Human Values(Role of Education)” | 23-04-2021 | 80 | Mr.I.Narasimhaswamy,Assistant Professor,EEE Department ,MVSR Engineering College,Hyderabad |
2021 | Webinar on “Career Opportunities after B.Tech | 22nd January 2021 | 75 | Mr.S.Manimohan Trinath,GATE/ESE Trainer,ACE Engg.Academy,HYDERABAD |
2020 | A national level webinar on smart grid automation | 6th October 2020 | 60 | Dr.Vikram kulkarani M.Tech Ph.D,Assistant professor ,department of information technology MPSTME,SVKM’s,NMIMS(Deemed)University,Mumbai,Maharastra ,India |
Year | Name of the capability enhancement program | Date of implementation (DD-MM-YYYY) | Number of students enrolled | Name of the agencies/consultants involved with contact details (if any) |
2015-16 | Workshop on EHVAC Transmission | 19th Feb 2016 | 100 | Dr.Pradeep Nirgude,HVE,CPRI Hyderabad |
2016-17 | Workshop on introduction to fundamentals of MATLAB programming | 26th November 2016 | 90 | Dr.C.N.Ravi,Professor EEE |
2017-18 | Recent trends in power electronics | 13th Sept 2017 | 70 | Dr.S.Sivaprasad,Professor and HOD |
2017-18 | Guest lecture on SCADA fundamentals,types of scada applications | 18th August 2017 | 90 | Prof.N.L.V.Prasada rao Retd.DE, APTRANSCO |
2017-18 | Workshop on advanced powersystems | 5th August 2017 | 80 | Dr.M.Kondalu,JBIET,Hyderabad |
2019-20 | A webinar on power quality in microgrid | 25th Sept 2020 | 59 | Mr.A.Narendar Reddy,Assoc.Prof.SVEC,Suryapet |
2019-20 | Applications of IOT in electrical engineering | 30th Sept 2020 | 68 | Dr.Harikrishnan.R,Professor, Symbiosis Institute of Technology,Pune |
2019-20 | A webinar on modern control techniques and design of electric vehicles | 3rd October 2020 | 43 | Dr.K.Narasimhaiah achari,Assc.Prof,GIT,Anantapur |
2019-20 | A Webinar on Digital Transformation in TSGENCO | 15th Sep 2020 | 100 | Mr.A.Ramesh,FormerCGM TSGenco |
Teaching & Learning
Innovative Teaching Techniques
Teaching is an art and science. Teaching is a process of imparting knowledge and skills. It is a systematic process based on some educational objectives to communicate.
The following innovative teaching methods are being adopted:
Interactive Learning
Interactive learning can take many different forms. Students strengthen their critical thinking and problem-solving skills using a much more holistic approach to learning. Interactive learning can take place across the curriculum with technology.
Collaborative Learning
“Collaborative learning is an umbrella term for a variety of educational approaches involving joint intellectual effort by students, or students and teachers together. Usually students are working in groups of two or more, mutually searching for understanding, solutions or meanings, or creating a product.
Collaborative learning activities vary widely, but most center on students’ exploration or application of the course material, not simply the teacher’s presentation or explication of it”.
Why use cooperative learning? To..
- promote student learning and academic achievement
- enhance student satisfaction with their learning experience
- help students develop skills in oral communication
- develop students skills
- promote student self-esteem
5 Elements of cooperative learning
- Positive interdependence
- Face-to-face interaction
- Individual and group accountability
- Interpersonal and small group skills
- Group processing
Flipped Classroom
A flipped classroom is an instructional strategy and a type of blended learning that reverses the traditional learning environment by delivering instructional content, often online, outside of the classroom. It moves activities, including those that may have traditionally been considered homework, into the classroom. In a flipped classroom, students watch online lectures, collaborate in online discussions, or carry out research at home and engage in concepts in the classroom with the guidance of a mentor.
The flipped classroom intentionally shifts instruction to a learner-centered model in which class time explores topics in greater depth and creates meaningful learning opportunities, while educational technologies such as online videos are used to ‘deliver content’ outside of the classroom. In a flipped classroom, ‘content delivery’ may take a variety of forms.
Role Play
Role-playing is the changing of one’s behavior to assume a role, either unconsciously to fill a social role, or consciously to act out an adopted role.
- To refer to the playing of roles generally such as in a theatre, or educational setting;
- To refer to taking a role of an existing character or person and acting it out with a partner taking someone else’s role, often involving different genres of practice.
Think-Pair-Share (TPS) is a collaborative learning strategy in which students work together to solve a problem or answer a question about an assigned reading. This technique requires students to (1) think individually about a topic or answer to a question; and (2) share ideas with classmates. Discussing an answer with a partner serves to maximize participation, focus attention and engage students in comprehending the reading material.
- The Think-Pair-Share strategy is a versatile and simple technique for improving students’ reading comprehension.
- It gives students time to think about an answer and activates prior knowledge.
- TPS enhances students’ oral communication skills as they discuss their ideas with one another.
- This strategy helps students become active participants in learning and can include writing as a way of organizing thoughts generated from discussions.
Case Based Learning
This method is learner-centered with intense interaction between participants as they build their knowledge and work together as a group to examine the case
The instructor’s role is to facilitate the students collaboratively analyze and address problems and resolve questions
Interactive Learning
Interactive Learning is a hands-on, real-world approach to education ‘Inetractive learning actively engages the students in wrestling with the material
It reinvigorates the classroom for both students and faculty. Lectures are changed into discussion and students and teachers become partners in the journey of knowledge acquisition
Students strengthen their critical thinking and problem-solving skills using a much more holistic approach to learning
Open Educational Resources
Open educational resources (OER) are freely accessible, openly licensed documents and media that are useful for teaching, learning, and research resources that reside in the public domain or have been released under an intellectual property license that permits their free use and re-purposing by others.
Open educational resources include full courses, course materials, modules, textbooks, streaming videos, tests, software, and any other tools, materials, or techniques used to support access to knowledge.
Like Blog, MOOC(Massive Open Online Course), Moodle etc.

Basic Electrical Engineering Lab I Year- I Sem & II Sem I Sem [(CSE,AI,CSE(DS),AI(DS),AI(ML)] II Sem[(ECE,IT)]
Description: The Basic Electrical engineering (BEE) Lab is well established and equipped to provide practical exposure to the students in order to understand the basic principles of electrical engineering.This Lab emphasizes the operation of various electrical networks and electrical machines.
Outcome of the Lab: The outcome of the laboratory is to get an exposure to basic electrical laws, understand the response of different types of electrical circuits to different excitations, understand the measurement, calculation and relation between the basic electrical parameters and also understand the basic characteristics and applications of various electrical machines.
Electrical Simulation Tools Lab II Year I Sem
Outcome of the Lab:
Upon the completion of laboratory course, the student will be able to
- Correlate the data using plots.
- Verify network theorems.
- Observe transient response of series circuits.
- Simulate rectifier circuits.
- Analyze networks using network theorems.
Networks Lab II year I sem
Electrical circuits laboratory is framed for students for designing, solving, performing experiments and analyzing DC and AC circuits.
Outcome of the Lab: The outcome of this laboratory is to let students perform experiments and verify basic circuit theorems like Norton’s, Maximum Power Transfer, Compensation, Reciprocity and Millman’s theorems. The lab also let students solve various AC circuits. Determination of parameters of two port networks and measurement of active and reactive powers in three phase circuits can be studied.
Basic Electrical Engineering Lab II Year- II Sem(MECHANICAL)
Description: The Basic Electrical engineering (BEE) Lab is well established and equipped to provide practical exposure to the students in order to understand the basic principles of electrical engineering.This Lab emphasizes the operation of various electrical networks and electrical machines.
Outcome of the Lab: The outcome of the laboratory is to get an exposure to basic electrical laws, understand the response of different types of electrical circuits to different excitations, understand the measurement, calculation and relation between the basic electrical parameters and also understand the basic characteristics and applications of various electrical machines.
Electronic Devices and Circuits Lab II Year- II Sem
Outcome of the Lab:After the completion of this course, a student must demonstrate the knowledge and ability to
- Understand internal physical behaviour pf PN junction diode, resister and capacitor.
- Understand the breakdown mechanisms in semiconductors so as to construct Zener voltage regulator used in regulated power supplies.
- Analylze various rectifiers and filter circuits used in regulated power supplies.
- Understand the construction, operation and characteristics of Bipolar Junction Transistor, which can be used in the design of amplifiers.
- Analyze the characteristics of FET and UJT.
Electrical Machines-I Lab II Year- II Sem
Description: The objective of this lab is to impart knowledge about characteristics and behaviour of the DC machines, operation of DC machines and give them experimental skill, familiarize with the constructional details of different types, working principle and their performance. It also provides the essential facilities to the students to augment their concepts about the fundamentals of rotating machines. It is well equipped lab to provide experimental and hands-on experience to the detailed study of characteristic and operational aspects of DC electrical machines.
- To expose the students to the operation of DC Generator.
- To expose the students to the operation of DC Motor.
- To examine the self-excitation in DC generators.
Outcome of the Lab: After completion of this lab the student is able to
- Start and control the different types of DC motors.
- Assess the performance of different types of DC machines using different testing methods.
- Identify different conditions required to be satisfied for self-excitation of DC generators.
- Seperate losses of DC motor into different components.
Electrical Machines-II Lab III Year- I Sem
Description: The laboratories in department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering are intended to give practical experience to the students. Laboratories are useful for students to implement the theory in practical aspects and helps student to apply their knowledge of theory for various courses of their course outcomes.
AC Machines laboratory is designed for students to perform experiments on transformers, Inductions motors and Synchronous machines.
Outcome of the Lab:The outcome of this laboratory is to impart knowledge about characteristics and behaviour of the AC Machines, operation of transformers, synchronous and asynchronous machines and give them experimental skill, familiarize with the constructional details of different types, working principle and their performance. This lab consists of machines and all are mounted in industrial type of assembly to give the students industrial feel. The lab has moderate machines and students are using for project and research work also.
Control Systems and Simulation Lab III year- I Sem
Description: Control Systems and Simulation Lab in the Dept. of EEE comprises a variety of laboratory equipment used in experimentation of digital and analog electromechanical feedback control systems. It facilitates the students to enhance their acquired knowledge about the theoretical concepts studied in linear control systems while verifying them practically. The topics focussed in this lab include principles of feedback control systems, stability analysis, transient response, effects of proportional, differential and integral controllers; state variable models and fundamentals of ladder programming.
Outcome of the Lab:
- Examine the time response of second order systems, Synchros, and truth tables verification by PLC.
- Design of AC servomotor and DC servomotor to find out their transfer function practically.
- Design of DC motor, DC generator, and finding out their transfer function practically.
- Analyze magnetic amplifier characteristics.
- Explain stability analysis through bode, nyquist and root locus plots using MATLAB.
Power Electronics and Simulation Lab III Year- II Sem
Description:The Objective of the Power Electronics and Simulation Laboratory is to make the students examine and observe outputs and characteristics of various static devices, converters and to design converters using simulation software. This laboratory is well equipped with Power Electronic Converters, Gate firing circuits, CROs and other measuring equipment. Students can realize the characteristics and various outputs of converters they study in Power Electronics course which enables them to learn by practising in the Laboratory.
Outcome of the Lab:
Examine the characteristics of SCR, MOSFET, & IGBT, and triggering circuits.
Analyze input and output characteristics of AC-DC converters.
Synthesize characteristics of Cycloconverters.
Examine characteristics of DC-DC Converters and Inverters.
Design of converters and inverters using P-Spice software.
Electrical Measurements Lab IV Year- I Sem
Description: The laboratories in department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering are intended to give practical experience to the students. Laboratories are useful for students to implement the theory in practical aspects and helps student to apply their knowledge of theory for various courses of their course outcomes.
Outcome of the Lab: Upon completion of this Laboratory course student should be able to calibrate and test single phase energy meter, calibrate PMMC voltmeter and calibrate LPF wattmeter to measure resistance, inductance and capacitance to measure 3-Φ reactive power, to test dielectric strength of oil of transformers, to calibrate LVDT and resistance strain gauge.
Outcome of the Lab:
After completing this course, the student will be able to:
- Apply the fundamentals of assembly level programming of microprocessor and microcontrollers.
- Build a program on a microprocessor using instruction set of 8086 and8051.
- Evaluate assembly language program for 8086 and 8051 microcontroller to interface peripheral devices for simple applications
- Understand the development of prototype using combination of hardware and software.
- Develop assembly language programs for various applications using 8051 microcontroller
Power and Energy Systems Lab-I M.Tech. I Year- I Sem
Description:This lab provides hands on experience to the students to perform various simulations. Computer methods for finding admittance of the network, calculation of load flow are carried out in this lab. Complex numbers involved in the iterative procedure are solved with the help of software. Thirty computers with the latest hardware configuration installed with state-of-the-art software are dedicated for the students practice.
Outcome of the Lab:
- Finding admittance of the power system network.
- Analyze the Power System load flow.
- Model of Power Systems and Power Electronics.
- Programs of Power System Reliability and Power Electronics.
Power and Energy Systems Lab-II M.Tech. I Year- II Sem
Description:This lab in department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering is intended to give practical exposure to the students. Different types of relays, protection of Generators, Transformers and other equipment – experiments give hands on experience to students and understand theory well.
Outcome of the Lab:
The outcome of this laboratory is to impart knowledge about characteristics of relays, protection of generators, test transmission lines, find sequence impedances of synchronous machines and transformers. Testing skills, complex connections make the student confident in handling real world applications.
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Research & Development
The Department is focused on the core areas of Electrical and Electronics Engineering such as Power Systems, Power Electronics and Drives, and Renewable energy sources. The department evolved strong research programmes in a host of areas, with computation connecting thread, and with an emphasis on the development of technology and applications, which can be transferred for use to industry and society. This required carrying out basic research that can be used to solve real life problems.
It encourages the students and faculty to undertake the research in newly emerging frontier areas including multidisciplinary fields. This enhances the general research capability of budding technocrats by way of participating in conferences, seminars, workshops, project competition, etc.
- To create awareness on collaborative research.
- To encourage staff members and students to participate and publish technical papers for publishing in National and reputed International Conferences/ Journals and hackathon.
- To undertake research activities and development projects offered by agencies such as DRDO,RCI, DST, AICTE, UGC, etc.
- To assist for applying and getting funds for conducting Seminar/Workshop/FDP from various available funding agencies.
- To organize various workshops/ seminar on Writing of research articles, filing patents , writing books and improve the quality of publications.
The Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering has been carrying out research activities in the following Research Centers and housed with the state-of-the-art computing facilities.
- Power Electronics and Drives Research Group.
- Power Systems and Energy Research Group.
R&D Committee
Projects and Grants
- Department received a grant of Rs. 2,70,867 from AICTE for conducting Short Term Training Program (STTP) under AQIS 2019-20 for the title of the program “Hands on training in Artificial Intelligence and Optimization technique applications for additional lab experiments and mini, major projects for B.Tech Engineering students” on 10th August 2020.
Roll of Honors
Toppers – Batch Wise
Batch | Position | Hall Ticket Number | Name of the Student | % of Marks |
2019-23 | 1 | 20915A0204 | D HEMANTH SAGAR | 85.3 |
2 | 20915A0224 | VURLUGONDA VENU | 84.9 | |
3 | 19911A0228 | GOVINDREDDY ASRITHA | 83.85 | |
2018-22 | 1 | 19915A0203 | B MANJULA | 74.9 |
2 | 18911A0283 | N SHISHIR REDDY | 74.6 | |
3 | 18911A0288 | PATLOLLA SUPRIYA | 73.8 | |
3 | 19915A0225 | V RAJESHKUMAR REDDY | 73.8 |
Batch | Position | Hall Ticket Number | Name of the Student | % of Marks |
2017-21 | 1 | 18915A0219 | KANCHU SAI KOUSHIK | 90.5 |
2017-21 | 2 | 17911A0209 | BANDAGONDA SIRI | 90.3 |
2017-21 | 2 | 17911A0299 | THOKALI RAJESH | 90.3 |
2016-20 | 1 | 16911A0211 | EAMANI LAKSHMI SARADA PRAVALLIKA | 90.5 |
2016-20 | 2 | 17915A0219 | NALLA VINAY KUMAR | 88.4 |
2016-20 | 3 | 17915A0215 | MADDI ABHILASH GOUD | 87.8 |
Toppers – Semester Wise
Year/Sem | Position | Hallticket Number | Name of the Student | % of Marks |
II-I | 1 | 20911A0250 | SIDDAMSETTY NIKHITHA | 89.5 |
III-I | 1 | 20915A0204 | D HEMANTH SAGAR | 80.7 |
IV-I | 1 | 19915A0212 | M ASHRITA | 89.8 |
II-II | 1 | 21915A0203 | BATHULA THARUN KUMAR | 84 |
III-II | 1 | 20915A0224 | VURLUGONDA VENU | 84.2 |
IV-II | 1 | 18911A0289 | PEDDOLLA DINESH KARTHIK | 92.5 |
Year/Sem | Position | Hall Ticket Number | Name of the Student | % of Marks |
II-I | 1 | 19911A0228 | GOVINDREDDY ASRITHA | 91.5 |
III-I | 1 | 18911A0202 | BANDI ADITYA | 87.9 |
IV-I | 1 | 17911A0276 | KOOTURU NALINI | 92.8 |
II-II | 1 | 20915A0204 | D HEMANTH SAGAR | 90 |
III-II | 1 | 19915A0201 | A SAIKISHORE REDDY | 93.8 |
IV-II | 1 | 17911A0219 | HASTEPURAM NAMRITHA REDDY | 94 |
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Contact Us
Dr. A. Srujana
Professor, HOD