IQAC in association with H&S department organized an FDP on NEP 2020- The Pandora Box for Holistic Education. Eminent speakers from several prestigious institutions were invited. The Chief Guest for the inaugural session was Dr. N.V.Ramana Rao, Director, NITW on 17th June 2022, gave his key note address. Professor Pradeep Ramanacharla from IIIT Hyderabad enlightened the audience on the topic of ‘Good administrative Practices’. Senior Assistant Professor Dr.Raja Vishwanathan delivered his talk on ‘Imparting Emotional Skills through NEP’. Professor B. Rajashekar, former Pro Vice Chancellor, University of Hyderabad briefed on the ‘Role of OBE in effective implementation of NEP-2020’.
Prof. S. Ramachandram VC, Anurag University, was the Chief Guest for the valedictory on 18th June 2022. Prof. Syeda Sameen Fatima, Registrar, AU, Dr. M. Venkata Ramana, IQAC coordinator AU, Dr. D. Shobhana, Principal, SNVMV, Hyderabad and Mr. K. Shiva Kumar, Dean, Sri Chaitanya colleges, were the dignitaries in the panel discussion which was coordinated by Dr. A. Padmaja, Principal, VJIT. Dr. E. Saibaba Reddy, Director, VJIT graced the occasion with his presence and also gave his valuable insights. Several participants attended the FDP from various colleges, including Anurag University and Sai Degree College. The HoD’s of H&S and the HoD’s of the Engineering departments along with the faculty attended the sessions. The HoD’s of Engineering departments chaired the sessions. The program was very fruitfully conducted gaining high appreciation from all the participants. The coordinator Dr Lalitha Bai and the Chairperson Dr P.Sarah, of the FDP have coordinated and efficiently organized the sessions.