A two-week long Faculty Development Program on Entrepreneurship was organized at Vidya Jyothi Institute of Technology (VJIT) from 29th. Nov. to 13th. December’ 2017. Selected faculty of Engineering, Humanities and Management Departments from Anurag group of Institutions and K G Reddy college of Engineering participated in the F D P. The program was jointly organised by VJIT, Center for Entrepreneur Development (CDE – A Unit of ALEAP) and NSTEDB. The participants were guided by eminent speakers on various aspects Entrepreneurship. The program included a visit to the ALEAP Industrial Estate by the participants. Dr. P. Venugopal Reddy, Director and Dr. M. Padmaja, Principal VJIT who spoke on the occasion emphasized the need to inculcate the spirit of Entrepreneurship among the students, particularly in the light of several incentives and support being extended by both the Central and State governments. Mr. M. S. Goutham of VJIT coordinated the program.
4th International Conference on Nanomaterials and Technologies CNT-2024
The Two-Day International Conference organized by the Humanities and Sciences Department of Vidya Jyoti Institute of Technology was a well-structured and comprehensive event. The conference, held on 2 nd and 3 rd February 2024 at VJIT, centered around the theme of...