A two day Faculty Development program Organized by department of CSE on “Node JS” by D.Priyanka, Mean Stack Developer, Asset Telematics Pvt Ltd on 16th & 17th February 2024.

A two day Faculty Development program Organized by department of CSE on “Node JS” by D.Priyanka, Mean Stack Developer, Asset Telematics Pvt Ltd on 16th & 17th February 2024.
The Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) at Vidya Jyothi Institute of Technology (VJIT) hosted an online Faculty Development Programme (FDP) on “Data Science and Machine Learning” from 22nd April to 29th April 2024. This event is organized by the...
BTech CSE 3rd year students explored “Generative AI” at Microsoft Campus on April 20th 2024. Throughout the day, our students actively engaged in comprehensive discussion and practical workshops, delving into the intricateness of Generative AI technology. They...
The Department of CSE organized a one day seminar on “Power BI Orientation” by Mr. Kishor Kumar, Team Excelytics Pvt Ltd on March 20th 2024 in association with VJIT IIIC Cell. The host provided insights into: · Introduction to Data...
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