An Industrial visit to Centre for Cellular & Molecular Biology, Habsiguda, Uppal Road, Hyderabad, Telangana -500007 was organized by the Department of Computer science and Engineering of VJIT on Wedneseday,18th May 2022. Twenty-nine students of II Year
Computer Science got an opportunity to visit along with one faculty member who visited CCMB to interact about current market scenarios, Entrepreneurship, incubation centers, various research platforms in health and molecular biology etc..In this students are very eagerly waiting for listen to industrial higher authorities.
During the visit, the speakers are told about research and ideas in the platform of health and molecular biology and how it was related to computer science. Students are motivated to start their own entrepreneurship and to start incubation of their ideas. On the afternoon session, the students are divided to batch of 10 pupils and they visited the various incubation centers in CCMB.As the authorities are showing their incubation centers students are shown much
Interest to check the incubation details like how to process, how to get and how the sponsors support the research.Etc..
Aim Of the Industrial Visit: to interact about current market scenarios, Entrepreneurship, incubation centers, various research platforms in health and molecular biology.