On 25th January, 2020, the Civil Engineering Department has organized an Industrial Visit to the “NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF RURAL DEVELOPMENT AND PANCHAYATRAJ (NIRDPR)” for the third year students. The Scheduled Visit commenced from the Technical Park with an induction lecture given by Mr. Raghavendra, followed by the students visiting the different houses made of Compressed Stabilized Earth Blocks & Natural Materials like stone, bamboo etc., later they moved on to the Vermicomposting Pit, Dying Unit, Handmade Paper Manufacturing Unit & Biogas Unit.
Congratulations to Mr. Likhith Kumar, II Year UG student for securing first place and winning the cash prize in CADD MANIA Competition, organized by the civil Engineering dept in Osmania University on 23rd March 2024.Congratulations Mr. Bihari Likhith Kumar and...