An Industrial visit to Secunderabad railway station is conducted by the Department of Civil Engineering on 16th September 2023 for final year UG students Under the guidance of Railway department Team and Mr.Giri prasad Assistant professor civil Engineering dept. Students visited the railway track, turnouts, signal room and service center. In this visit students came to know how the train is going to change the tracks that are turnouts, points and crossings. Students also learnt about the parts of turnouts like wing rails, check rails, lead rails, theoretical nose, actual nose, stretcher bars, fish bolts, fish plates, sleepers and control system of these rails. Signaling trains is also an important parameter to avoid accidents. Students observed signals like maintaining proper precautions, controlling methods, how to give signal, when to give signal and how the GPS system is used in a very efficient way. The visit made students to understand in practical way and gain the knowledge