Vidya Jyothi Institute of Technology organized the Graduation Day – 2023 on 19th August 2023 for the outgoing batch of MBA. The guest on the occasion was Mrs. Harika, IAS & Mr. Sauratha Sen, Head Campus Recruitment, Hexaware Technologies, Hyderabad and Dr. E. Saibaba Reddy, Principal VJIT.
The flow of the event was as follows
The program started with an invocation song by Students of First Year, followed by lighting of the lamp by the dignitaries and welcome speech by the convener of the event Dr. Satyanarayana, Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering and presented the pledge with students.
The next events were the most significant event – Passing the light of knowledge. All the graduating students in their graduation dress with tassels on their right received the light of knowledge from the guest, Secretary, Principal and all other faculties. It was a moment that really added charm to the atmosphere with a sense of achievement.
The principal Dr. E. Saibaba Reddy welcomed everyone and gave a bird’s eye view of the achievements of the students and laurels that they brought to the institution. He emphasized on the importance of the Institution and the values forward in their life. He also stressed students to equip themselves with adequate skills and knowledge to face the challenges and excel in their career.
The guest speaking on the occasion said “Dream big and achieve it in full extent” and work hard to get success in every movement.
Later on the guest distributed the gold medal to the topper of the batch 2020-2022 is Ms. Sharmila, Roll No 20911E0014 & Silver Medal to the Second Topper Mrs. G.Divya, Roll No. 20911E0019.
Lateron the certificates for the graduates were distributed by the guest on the stage.
Total graduates for the 2020-2022 batch is 39.
The vote of thanks was given by Mrs. M.Sujatha, Asst Professor, Department of H&S, and blessed the students for their future.
Graduation day concluded with the National Anthem and Photo Session