Ministry of Education Innovation Cell (MIC) – Institution’s Innovation Council (IIC) 5.0 & Entrepreneurship Development Cell (EDC) of Vidya Jyothi Institute of Technology had organized a Session on “My Story – Motivational Session by Successful Entrepreneur/Start-up founder” by Mr. E Rakesh Reddy, MD, EE Engineering Constructions & Services, Hyderabad for the VJIT IIC & EDC registered student strength of 150 on 9th November 2022 in the E Block Seminar Hall.
The Session was very interactive and thought proving, where the Speaker elaborated on the hardships encountered in establishing himself as a Successful Entrepreneur. He advised the students to fix goals in life and work towards achieving their goals. He counseled the students to come out of their hangover, overcome difficult situations in their journey towards success, try to grow to be balanced and more professional and more human. He advised the students to get addicted to success, while he taught the students to take negative criticism only to prove the critic wrong. He also shared his opinion on how privileged it is to be an entrepreneur. The students too were very interactive during the session.