Research & Development
Research is the back bone of academics. For the promotion of research, institute has Research and Development Cell.
R&D Cell Overview
It encourages the students and faculty to undertake the research in newly emerging frontier areas including multidisciplinary fields. This enhances the general research capability of budding technocrats by way of participating in conferences, seminars, workshops, project competition, etc.
- To create awareness and opportunities in Research and Development among the faculty and students and to create Research and Development atmosphere in every department
- To create atmosphere among the staff members to take up Research projects and improve their knowledge, skills and qualifications by registering Ph. D‘s
- To motivate the faculty members of the group for R&D activities in the area of their specialization
- To encourage staff members and students to publish technical papers for publishing in National and reputed International Conferences/ Journals
- To undertake research activities and development projects offered by agencies such as DRDO,RCI, DST, AICTE, UGC, etc
- To assist for applying and getting funds for conducting Seminar/Workshop/FDP from various available funding agencies
- To facilitate the growth of research activity among the academic community
- To coordinate faculty level workshops and staff development activities on research-related issue.
In order to promote research and development activities, the institute extends its full support to students/ faculty/ staff. Full/Partial financial support is given to all innovative research & development works taken up by the students, faculty and staff members. The college encourages students, faculty and staff to participate in National/International Conferences, Training programs.
The institution has a research and development committee in addition to state of art technology R & D cell facilities to facilitate and monitor research activities. The faculty as well as students is actively engaged in reactivity & other research projects.
Name of the Faculty | Designation | Role |
Dr. E. Saibaba Reddy | Principal | Chairman |
Dr.A.Padmaja | Dean | Member |
Dr. P. Sarah | IQAC Coordinator | Member |
Dr. B.V.Reddi | R&D Coordinator | Member |
Mr. Uma Sankar | Coordinator, Civil | Member |
Dr.V.Phanindra Babu | Coordinator, Mech | Member |
Mr. A . Mohan Das | Coordinator, EEE | Member |
Dr. Ganesan P | Coordinator, ECE | Member |
Dr. D. Babu Rao | Coordinator, CSE | Member |
Dr, Marlene Grace | Coordinator, IT | Member |
Dr. Ram Babu | Coordinator, AI | Member |
Dr.RRS Ravikumar | Coordinator, CS-DS | Member |
Dr. Hephzi Punithavathi | Coordinator, AIML | Member |
Dr. K V R Satya Kumar | Coordinator, MBA | Member |
Dr. R. Mahesh | Coordinator, Physics | Member |
Dr. Suresh | Coordinator, Chemistry | Member |
Dr. K.Madhusudhan Reddy | Coordinator, Maths | Member |
Advisory Committee
Name | Designation | CRC |
Dr. E. Sai Baba Reddy | Principal | Chairman |
Dr.A.Padmaja | Dean | Vice-Chairman |
Dr D. B.V.Reddi | Prof Mech | R & D Coordinator |
Dr P Sarah | Prof H&S | IQAC Coordinator |
Dr. D. Aruna Kunari | Prof CSE & HOD | Member |
Dr. A. Srujana | Prof EEE & HOD | Member |
Dr. Pallavi Badry | Prof Civil &HOD | Member |
Dr. G. Sreeram Reddy | Prof Mech & COE | Member |
Mr B Srinivasulu | IT HOD | Member |
Dr . Mr. M. Rajendra Prasad | Prof ECE & HOD | Member |
Dr. P. Chakradhar | MBA HOD | Member |
Dr. A. Obuleshu | Prof AI & HOD | Member |
Dr KSRK SARMA | CSE(DS) HOD | Member |
Dr. N. Anusha | CSE(AI&ML) HOD | Member |
R&D Hierarchy

Roles and Responsibilities of R & D Cell
The Role of R & D Cell:
- To enhance the Research Ecosystem of the college
- To promote Academic Research in the college with Faculty and students
- To preserve the Code of ethics of the college while publishing
- To help the faculty in applying for funds in the form of Sponsored research / Grants from government and non government agencies
- To pave path for the teachers, students and researchers to collaborate for research
Responsibilities of R & D Cell:
- To help faculty, researchers and students to know research methodology
- Methodology to develop projects
- Process of converting projects into prototype and in turn into products
- Enhancing their knowledge on Intellectual property rights and Patents
- Preserve code of ethics while publishing papers / thesis
- Conduct skill development courses that enhancing the capability of students and faculty
Guidelines of Research Advisory Board Committee
- Selection Criteria for Research Advisory Board Member
Boards are selected with the goal of creating a balanced working group based on experience level, industry sector, geographic location and area of expertise. Considerations for selection include:
- Long-term or widely recognized excellence in academia or practice.
- Professional experience and knowledge of privacy and data protection laws, regulations, policies, procedures, best practices and theory.
2. Duties & Responsibilities
The Committee will:
- Undertake timely, extensive review of projects from time to time
- Establish policies and guidelines as deemed fit for pursuing research
- Establish the grant application document
- Participate in meetings/teleconferences as called by the Chair/Support Chair;
- Submit feedbacks and updates to the Chair/Support Chair.
- Sanction project proposals for Seed funding
The Chairperson will:
- Chair the meetings and delegate responsibilities;
- Review the agenda and minutes for each meeting;
- provide written feedback to funding recommendations submitted by students and Faculty
- Report to the Board via the R & D cell in charge on the final research priorities to support e. the supporting chair will step in to the role of the chair should the chair refuse or unable to full-fill duties effectively and in the same token, the chair may assign another support chair should the support chair be inefficient.
Members of The Committee:
A Senior Professor who will chair the committee co chaired with two professors who are expertise in the research and Development
- To make the institute as a Research Centre of affiliating University / Other organizations
- To address the issues of research
- To suggest recommendations with their impact
- To provide autonomy to the Principal investigators as per the guidelines provided by the funding authorities
- To encourage /motivate faculty to take research initiatives in the department.
- To provide adequate infrastructure and support in terms of technology and information needs
- Facilitating timely auditing and submission of utilization certificates
- To create awareness among the students and faculty on the culture of research and aptitude
- To obtain information once in three months in the prescribed format on faculty involvement on guiding students, paper publications, research projects from external funding agencies and involving in collaborative research activity
- To conduct/ participate in workshops, training programs and sensitization programs on capacity building in terms of research and consultancy and imbibing research culture among staff and students
- Arranging guest lecturers under Institute-Industry-Interaction programs to promote research on industry needs
Modernizing the existing laboratories with additional experimental set ups/ instruments and technology for utilizing the labs for research activity - To depute senior faculty to various research organizations for getting collaborative projects and adopting best practices
- To provide the facility to the faculty in the form of incentives, sabbatical leaves, academic leaves for improving their qualification and quality of research
- To provide the budget for in-house R & D projects mentioning the guidelines and targets to achieve the expected outcome of the projects proposed
- Sponsoring faculty and students to present papers at National /International conferences as per the stipulated guidelines mentioned in the Quality Document of the institute
- To appoint part-time Research Advisors for promoting the quality of research and guidance for applying for projects
Plagiarism Check
Drill Bit is the name of the Plagiarism Check Software used by the college to find plagiarism in research papers of the faculty and M.Tech Thesis
Ethics Committee
Name of the Faculty | Designation |
Dr. E. Sai Baba Reddy,Principal ,VJIT | Chair Person |
Dr. G. Sreeram Reddy,CoE,VJIT | Member 1 |
Dr. D. Aruna Kunari,HoD CSE,VJIT | Member 2 |