The Rural Entrepreneurship Development Cell (REDC) of Vidya Jyothi Institute of Technology has organized a Rural Entrepreneurial Awareness Program at Organo’s Nandi Rurban Commune Yenkapally, Village, Moinabad on 29th & 30th January 2021. The program was given a very supportive go-ahead by the Director Dr. E. Saibaba Reddy, Principal Dr. A Padmaja and Senior Administrative Officer Mr. Venkatachalam.
The first day had a group of more than 25 students and few faculty members registered under the RED Cell visiting Organo’s Nandi Rurban Commune, to understand the unique organic facility provided there for its residents. The group visited the environmentally friendly commune with the well-organized Organic Farms providing the farm produce, the Organically Maintained Swimming Pool, the Sewage Plant providing water to the forest plants, Biogas Plant providing Street lighting, the Solar Generated Electricity Facility, the students also visited the STO Water Purifier Plant, they have learnt how all these facilities are provided to the residents there and also how it can be operated using technology.
The purpose of the program it to support students develop entrepreneurial skills and develop innovative business ideas for small startups. The students had a very rewarding time spent in learning how the Rural India can be a place for innovative startups.
The second Day shall have the students presenting innovative entrepreneurial ideas, as to how they can initiate a small entrepreneurial project using resources from rural areas and also provide income generation for people living in villages.
Congratulations to Mr. Likhith Kumar, II Year UG student for securing first place and winning the cash prize in CADD MANIA Competition, organized by the civil Engineering dept in Osmania University on 23rd March 2024.Congratulations Mr. Bihari Likhith Kumar and...