The VJIT NSS has organised a two day Workshop on ways and means for Rural Development. Dr. V. Ramesh faculty coordinator from Mahatma Gandhi National Council of Rural Education has explained the various government schemes that can improve the quality of living of people in the rural areas. As a part of the program a village visit was also organised where the participant faculty had an opportunity to create awareness among the villagers on the various government schemes and look into the problems in villages and suggested measures to overcome such problems through the activity “A Model Village”. E. Giri Prasad the NSS Coordinator facilitated the event.
Centre of excellence on Sustainable construction practices & materials
Civil Engineering department of VJIT Inaugurates 1st centre of excellence in Telangana on “Sustainable construction practices and materials”Hyderabad, 06 March, 2024: Civil engineering department of Vidya Jyothi Institute of Technology inaugurated a first of its kind...