On 15th April, 2023 the department of English organized a virtual seminar on ‘Student-centered Teaching & Learning’. The resource person for the session was Dr.K.V.Madhavi, Associate Professor, EFLU. The webinar was open to the teaching fraternity from various organizations. Several members from different colleges attended the webinar. Highlighting on NEP- 2020, she focused on various Student-centered Teaching & Learning methods. She stated that the use of technology in teaching-learning process removes the barriers of language. Rather than content-centered teaching, the process must shift to learner-centered to give the best results. Collaborative learning takes place when the online teaching is blended with the benefits of traditional teaching methods. Various methods which enhance the teaching and involves the learners to enjoy the significance of learning were given by her. The session was very interactive and the participants appreciated the insights shared by the resource person. Dr.D. Indira Priyadarshini, HOD, English was the convener of the program. Dr.K.Lalitha Bai, Professor in English & Ms.J.Sreedevi, Assistant Professor were the coordinators for the program.