The final year students (2K19-2K23) Of Civil Engineering ,VJIT Celebrated their last moments together by organizing a “signature day” event on 24/June/2023.Thank you VJIT, Thank you Civil department. Signing off batch 2k19-2k23.

The final year students (2K19-2K23) Of Civil Engineering ,VJIT Celebrated their last moments together by organizing a “signature day” event on 24/June/2023.Thank you VJIT, Thank you Civil department. Signing off batch 2k19-2k23.
Dr. Pallavi Badry, Professor and Head, Civil Eng Dept invited as Judge for an event Paper presentation CIVILIZATIONS-2024@ Chaitanya Bharathi Institute of Technology Hyderabad in a two-day National Level student technical fest SUDHEE-2024 on the 26th and 27th,...
Congratulations......Anand K Sheelvanth , Assistant Professor, of Civil Engineering has Received: "Bharat Samman Nidhi Puraskar" on 23-02-2024 from Honorable Speaker of Delhi Legislative Assembly "Shri Ram Niwas Goel ji" In Chief Minister's Conference Hall Delhi...
Congratulations to UG Final year student,Ms. Sanghishetty Harshitha for the successful completion of A High-End workshop KARYASHALA Training on "Seismic Vulnerability" Organized by NIT Warangal from 19th to 25th Feb 2024 Congratulations Final year Ug Students Mr....
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