Two-Day Workshop on “Wireless Communication and Signal Processing”, VJIT, Hyderabad held at ECE Department, E-Block 10-11-2022 to 11-11-2022.The program was inaugurated by welcoming the DIRECTOR, PRINCIPAL and Resource persons by Dr Mohammed Thayyaba Khatoon (MallaReddy University, Hyderabad), DR B N Bhandari (JNTUH) Dr K. Vasanth (VJIT), Dr P Ganesan (VJIT).
Objectives of Workshop: This Workshop introduces fundamental concepts Wireless Communication, Antennas for Nano Satellites,5G Communications and Image Processing with Deep Learning with hands-on sessions.
Resource Persons: Eminent experts are Dr B N Bhandari from JNTUH, Dr Mohammed Thayyaba Khatoon from MallaReddy University, Hyderabad, Dr Vasanth from VJIT and Dr Ganesan (VJIT) .
The Workshop Intends: • To expose the participants in emerging technologies in the areas of Wireless communications and Signal Processing. • To understand the concepts of Nano Satellites • Hands on Session on Image Processing with deep learning concepts.