Poster Presentation and Design-a-thon was organized by the Department of Artificial Intelligence Engineering as a part of Udbhav’22 Techno Cultural Fest held on 12/05/22 &13/05/22. The Director, Principal and all the HOD’s of different departments visited and appreciated the participants.
Poster presentation:
The Posters can be presented by anyone irrespective of the stream but the domain has been restricted to technical topics. 7 teams with a team size of 2 members have taken part in the Design-a-thon. Posters can either be made digitally or on a chart paper. Turning even a small thought into an innovative idea and putting it on a paper is a poster presentation. Students had a chance to know how well they can communicate or present their ideas. This helps in boosting their confidence and presentation skills. The poster presentation suited students suffering from stage fright and, for those who have difficulties when speaking in front of large groups. It has been a great way to make connections and welcome peers for collaboration. The event was very much successful.
For the time first an event of this kind has been conducted by the Department of Artificial Intelligence. It has taken an initiative to provide a competitive environment and to encourage students in software development. This event has been designed especially for the student developers who are interested in the development. Design-a-thon has three major sections, they are Web Development, App Development and ML/DL model building. A stipulated time of 1 hour 15 min has been provided to all the students. The idea or the problem statement they wish to work can be completely of their choice. The technology they wish to work on is also up to them. Utmost freedom is provided in using the frameworks and technology of their choice. In Web Development, students can build static or dynamic web pages along with the backend connection. Any type of database or cloud can be used in the backend. In App Development, applications must be developed with a minimum of features included and the app developed must either solve a problem or have a purpose of development. The last section, including the ML/DL modeling, gained a lot of craze in machine learning and deep learning. Students are encouraged to build a model with the data of their choice. Overfitting and underfitting models are completely eliminated from the competition. The participation count was around 42 teams. The team size can have a maximum of two members.